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A New Take on "Desk to Dinner"

Desk to dinner outfit posts are a favorite topic of most corporate fashion bloggers that we read hate read. Some are helpful, some aren't. Some are so insufferable that you just want to smack the blogger (sorry, but we don't believe that your life is so glamorous that, except for the sponsored Banana Republic dress, you would have to pack an evening gown into your bag). The one common theme we've noticed is that corporate fashion bloggers seem to think that the lives of Real Working Girls are significantly fancier than they actually are. As a result, most of the "Desk to Dinner" posts we've read tend to show items that can easily be dressed up for a cocktail event/special dinner/gala. They never seem to address the opposite- how to dress down your work clothing for a casual after work event.

Katie 1 noticed this precise issue when she recently realized that the MLS All Star Match v. Real Madrid is on a Wednesday (she originally thought it was a Saturday). Because the game is on a weeknight, she will be leaving straight from work to go to Soldier Field to watch the game. She wants to look appropriate and wants her clothing to be weather appropriate (it's going to be hot and humid). She also doesn't want to pack a full change of clothes (and have to lug around the work stuff in her bag all evening). Which got her thinking- why don't fashion bloggers ever address this side of desk to dinner? She knows she's not the only one to encounter this fashion conundrum- Real Working Girls go to casual stuff straight from work all the time (concerts, movies in the park, sporting events, etc.). So here's a post on how to dress down your work clothes to attend a casual after work event.

When thinking about what she was going to wear to work/the match, Katie 1 originally contemplated wearing the black Old Navy t-shirt dress that we've discussed to death here. Then she decided that if she was going to blog about her outfit, she should be a little more original (read: helpful). Before we get to what she's actually going to wear, here are some good options we've found on the interwebs. Note that this is a summer edition of desk to dinner. As fall and winter roll around we may do a cold weather version of this post.

Option 1:
Cotton pencil skirt + dressy tank + blazer + black pumps = Work
Cotton pencil skirt + dressy tank - blazer - black pumps + sneakers = Play

We like this black cotton pencil skirt and this striped tank. For a linen blazer, take a look at this. No doubt you have some black pumps, but if you're in a shopping mood, why not these? When you're ready for Play, swap out the shoes for some classic Chucks!

Option 2:
Shirt dress + cardigan + belt + pumps = Work
Shirt dress - cardigan - belt + sandals = Play

This gingham shirt dress would do the trick, topped with a fuchsia cardigan. You can pair them in the black pumps above from Option 1. For a sandal, try these Birkenstocks!

Option 3: (forgive us, we love beating a dead horse)
T-shirt dress + blazer + pumps = Work
T-shirt dress - blazer - pumps + Chucks = Play

Look! It's now available in polka dot!! Top it with a white blazer and put on a pump with a pop of color.

So now that you've seen some ideas for how to dress down your work attire for a casual after-work event, we know you're dying (absolutely dying) to know what Katie 1 ended up wearing to work and the match.

We're sure you could have guessed it by now, but just in case you couldn't:


  1. The gingham dress looks super cute, I need something a little more form fitting. What kind of belt would you recommend to go with it? Wide or skinny? Would a brown belt look to casual with the green?

  2. A belt would work well to cinch in the waist of the gingham shirt dress we recommended. Try a belt an inch wide or smaller, depending on your waist and how much definition you need. In terms of color, we love the idea of brown! You could also go with black, or if you're feeling brave, try leopard print or red. If you want something a little more form fitting, what about this: It has a bit more definition, and you can change out the ribbon belt for something a bit more tailored.

    1. We also love these more form fitting options:,default,pd.html?dwvar_SX00082_Color=BLUM&contentpos=26&cgid


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