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Workout Wednesday: Welcome!

Along with Shoes Day Tuesday, we've decided to start another biweekly feature we're calling Workout Wednesday. Because Real Working Girls workout from time-to-time. Before we jump into product recommendations or more substantive health related posts, we thought that it would be beneficial to first provide you with some background about our workout habits and preferences. Full disclosure: we like pizza, wine, and tacos way more than we like working out. However, we don't want to die when we're 50 so we try to eat  crap in moderation (easier said then done, as we are sitting here looking at quite the breakfast spread at the office celebrating another retirement) and workout somewhere between 3 and 5 days a week. So here's how we like to attempt to keep fit:

Katie 1:
I'm lucky enough to have a very enthusiastic 4-legged running buddy who makes me pound the pavement at least 3 times a week (the post run snuggles totally make it worth it). Other than after work runs with the doggo, I like to mix it up with different gym workouts as my schedule allows. My gym has changed their workout class schedule so recently I've been back on the studio cycling bandwagon because the 5:30pm start time works well for my schedule. It's also a really good 45 minute workout. I've also recently rediscovered stand up paddle boarding. I'm also trying to reincorproate strength training into my routine but haven't been as successful as I'd like.

Katie 2:
I hate sweating, but I like t-shirts so I sign up for just about any 5K that has some sort of gimmick around it (the Bruch 5K was every bit as glorious as it sounds). I am also now in my 30s, so I figured I needed to do something major, so lately I've been training for a half marathon this fall so that means running. And more running. I like to take a break from all the running and mix in some cross training, but I find I am so out of shape that any HIIT class I join at my gym leaves me aching for a week. I have found that a morning yoga class does the trip and helps with the recovery. I tried my first cycling class on Monday, and I don't think I've ever sweat so much in my entire life. I do like to mix up my routine and will share my training secrets in upcoming posts.

I "run" outside a couple days a week and participate in 5Ks or the occasional 8K. The quotation marks are due to the fact that I'm not particularly speedy. I am somewhere between 10-12 minutes/mile depending on whether I'm running on my own or in a race. I used to be a regular at Barre classes, which are so deceivingly hard, but lately have been more involved in various gym classes. The gym classes include high intensity conditioning/interval training and a yoga class that I hate waking up to get to but appreciate when it's over. Though, I have been thinking about working Barre back into the mix because that workout burns. Last, I have a session with a personal trainer once a week (bougie, I know). Working with a trainer forces me to do things that I probably wouldn't do when left to my own devices, and I get to box every other week. Boxing is so much fun and gets your heart rate going. I found this out on November 9, 2016 when I was so depressed about the world that my trainer asked if I'd like to hit something and I said yes. I have taken "kickboxing classes" where you swing your fist and kick the air, but actually connecting is much more satisfying. I highly recommend you give it a try.


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