The Real Working Girls here at Not a Corporate Fashun Blog strive to provide our readers with helpful advice. While we often will link to products that we haven’t purchased, those recommendations are thoroughly vetted prior to posting in order to ensure that we’re recommending products that we personally would use and/or buy. However, there are instances where we’re just not comfortable recommending products based upon assumptions alone. Today’s workout gear review is one of those instances. Why? Because we’re discussing running underwear which, if you read Katie 2’s post about chafing , you know that proper running underwear is key to preventing chafing, especially when training for a long distance race. Workout underwear is one of those products that you really don’t know how it’s going to perform until you try it. This is why we came up with a pretty scientific method of trying different brands although our ultimate recommendation is based ...
A blog written by Working Girls for Working Girls.