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Sweater Weather

The time is upon us! There are a million ways we could divide up our recommendations for you today, but we've decided to go with just a few that are realistic needs for working women. That being said, we think everyone should invest in (at least a few) great cashmere sweaters. You don't have to spend an arm and a leg, either. Neiman Marcus Last Call and Lands' End (yes, we really do love it) offer some of the best cashmere for your buck.

Wear to Work: Because this is kind of the whole point of the blog...
  1. This might be the best recommendation we have for you. It's a completely basic crew neck sweater that is 100% cashmere. Oh, and it 's only $100. And it comes in 13 colors. Seriously. It doesn't get much better. 
  2. Katie 2 LOVES a turtleneck. She loved them in the late 80s and early 90s under her oversized sweaters and she loves them now. We don't like to recommend obvious places to shop, but Banana has been doing the classic turtleneck for years and they still get it right. 
  3. Feels like a sweater, wears like a jacket. This baby reminds us of the jardigan we like so much from MM. LaFleur
  4. A sweater dress is a great way to wear your sweater without having to put any effort into the rest of your look. Depending on your work environment, it may have to wait until casual Friday. But always pay attention to fit- sweater dresses can be fitted and/or clingy. You want everyone to talk about how fabulous you look, not how they can tell what kind of underwear you're wearing. 
Cardigans: You have a million cardigans, we know. We all do. They are an easy way to fight a little chill and add some visual interest to an outfit without the constrictive feel and conservative look of a blazer. When it comes to cardigans, we believe you should have a desk cardigan (one you leave in the office that you throw over a look when you get chilly). Make it a longer length, neutral color, and durable. This is not the time to splurge. See below for some desk cardigans and a few other we recommend. We are also dedicating an entire section to the cardigan because they can easily pull double duty. Pop it over a sheath dress. Because your cardigan collection can never be too big. 
  1. Good price, comes in a variety of neutral colors, long, slouchy. Easy to hang off of your desk chair. 
  2. We saw this cardi on a coworker of ours a few weeks back. Imagine our surprise and delight when we discovered it came from one of our favorite stores-  COSTCO! (Where else can you buy cute clothes, great wine, and a casket?!) Katie 1 has already gone out and picked some up for herself. You should too. 
  3. This fulfills our cashmere recommendation from the top of this post. Plus it's super basic and classic, so you can easily pair it for work, or dress it down for holiday errands. 
  4. So it's not exactly a cardigan, but you do wear it over your look. Rock the cape, ladies. 
  5. We shouldn't have to tell you again how much we love a leopard print. So we won't. We will just tell you to go ahead and order this one
Cozy Winter: Wear it sipping cocoa by the fire, or when you go out and cut down your Christmas tree (WHAT?! You don't cut down your Christmas tree? Get out. Right now. Unless you live in the city, or like Katie 1, you're allergic to Christmas trees and have to have a fake one. However Katie 2 breaks out whenever she touches a real tree and requires one anyway. #highmaintenance) Just be cozy.
  1. OK, so we realize not everyone likes turtlenecks as much as Katie 2. But this one is much looser around the neck, so you won't feel like you're being strangled. 9 colors. It's long enough to wear over leggings without being a dress. Plus it comes in petite, tall, and plus size. What's not to love?
  2. Whoever said "no" to horizontal stripes is a fool. We love them. Elizabeth loves them even more than may be decent. We wear them, and we highly recommend them. Like this baby
  3. While we have a whole section dedicated to cardigans, we thought this one lent itself to be included in the "cozy" section. It really makes us want to quit our banking jobs and become lumber jacks
Holiday Sweaters: This was going to be a section dedicated to ugly Christmas sweaters, but then we came across those below, and they were just too cute not to share.
  1. We have already told you how much we love Boden. If you need even more reasons, check out the toy soldiers on this sweater, or this festive Rudolph sweater
  2. Hugging polar bears? How cute is this??? 
  3. It's a splurge piece to be sure, but this teddy bear is so cute we just want to hug him.
  4. Yes, we know we recommend the same stores a lot. But it's because we can attest to their quality and because THIS LITTLE LAMB IS SO DAMN CUTE we just couldn't help ourselves. (Note: Katie 2 thought this was a goat. She was wrong.)
  5. This one. Is it a sweater or a cat toy? Who knows. We are recommending it not because we would ever wear it (Katie 1 would totally wear it to fuck with her cat), but because we want to show up to a holiday party where someone is wearing it. 


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