It’s the end of the year, folks- just a few days left in 2017. Now is the time to sit and reflect on your year. Or if you’re like us, it’s the time to just sit in your pajamas and slippers on the couch, using up the last of your vacation days. It’s also the time to think about the new year, and with that comes the obligatory New Years Resolutions. [Note: Katie 2 does not make New Years Resolutions. Instead, she makes birthday resolutions, because she feels as though birthdays are a much better way to track progress or lack thereof in her life. Elizabeth’s New Year’s Resolution always is to write the correct year on her checks. Small victories, people.] We wanted to talk to you about how to make better resolutions and increase your chances for success in 2018. Before we get into our own advice, we want to make sure that whatever you decide to work on in the new year (or any other time you make a goal), make sure it is SMART (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Relevant; Time-boun...
A blog written by Working Girls for Working Girls.