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Thursday Questions: How Often Should You Do Basic Adult Stuff, Part 1

This is an idea that we've been tossing around since we started the blog: a post featuring honest answers to questions that we've all asked at some point in our adult lives. This isn't an "Ask the Expert" beauty post (although we've got a fun one coming up so stay tuned), this post is a barometer to determine how gross we really are.  

Here are our answers to 3 basic "how often do you" questions. We've also provided expert answers to explain how often you should do these things. Note - Elizabeth has the flu and is not participating in this post.

1. How often do you wash your bras? 

Katie 1 - I'm not 100% sure.  I've got a number of bras in rotation and I don't wear the same one every day but I end up washing a load of bras probably every month or so.... 

Katie 2 -  I agree on the "I'm not sure" front. I don't do laundry regularly (except sheets), so whenever I decided to do the wash, I wash everything, including every bra I own. I'd agree on the "every month or so" front.

How often should you wash your bras? 
  • According to this article from Good Housekeeping, you should wash your bras every 3-4 wears (so about once a month if you wear your bras as frequently as Katie 1). 
2. How many times do you wear hose/tights between washing? 

Katie 1 - Once. My feet sweat and tights and hose are not super breathable, so I wash after every wear. 

Katie 2 - I have never owned a pair of nylons that made it through two wears. My mom used to tell me I had wooden legs. If they made it through the day, I don't wash them before the next time I wear them, because I know they won't make it another full wear. As for tights... 2 or 3 times? 

How often should you wash your tights/hose?
  • According to this article from Bustle, you can wear tights 1-2 times before washing. 
  • More laundry related questions? Real Simple has an AWESOME "when to wash it" winter addition article here. Who knew you should wash your down coats twice a season? 
3. How often do you wash and or replace your make-up brushes?

Katie 1 - Um... when they start to look matted and gross? So, maybe twice a year? Yes, I'm gross. I've also had the same make-up brushes since my second year of law school and I graduated in 2009. 

Katie 2 - I sure hope Elizabeth isn't reading this, because I wash when they look like they need it. I would say more often than Katie 1, but definitely not as much as I probably should. Every four months or so?? I replace the brushes when the brush hairs start to fall out. For some types of brushes that's far more frequently than others because I don't buy high quality brushes. 

How often should you wash your make-up brushes?
  • According to this article from Allure, at least once a week. 
How often should you replace your make-up brushes? 
  • There isn't really a hard timeline but this article from Health (also printed in In Style), explains that you should replace your brushes when you observe any of the following:
    • They don't work as well as they used to; 
    • They start shedding; 
    • The bristles start to look misshapen (Katie 2 would like to point out that this is her indication that she should probably wash hers... oops!)
    • Any broken or cracked handles. 
So there you have it, 3 basic answers to 3 basic how often do you questions! Enjoy!


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