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Interviewing Basics: The Portfolio

We are back with yet another blog series!! (We know, we know. Just stick with us.)

Katie 2 is out in the market for a new job. Sad as she is to leave Katie 1, Elizabeth, and her current role, marriage awaits in a different state so she's out and about scouring the internet and her network for the perfect job. Which led us to think about interviews, and all the parts that go with it. 

Yes, we are all professional adults who've had more than one "real" job, so we know how to interview, how to ask questions, etc. But interviewing can be stressful for anyone, no matter how accomplished you are. So we wanted to start this new series on interviewing basics to cover some items not just for those that are new to the workforce, but to think about some things that even experienced professionals should think about.

Up first? The Portfolio. (In case you couldn't already tell that from the title of this post.) Back when she graduated from law school, Katie 2 received a beautiful briefcase as a graduation present (the quintessential law school graduation present; see Season 1 Episode 21 of The West Wing). She has carried it to one interview. It just always seemed a bit overkill. But it is helpful to have paper, a writing implement, and a copy of your resume, references, and writing sample (or whatever else your profession may dictate you carry) nearby. And where are you going to put all those business cards they keep handing you? Enter the portfolio. It's great for interviews, networking events, those all-important "lunches", and even for in-office meetings. It's a great way to keep everything in hand and neat, while making you feel put together and professional. And a great secret about looking professional? You have to feel it.

But in Katie 2's opinion, portfolios can look incredibly boring and masculine. We're not saying you need something loud and graphic a la a 1990s Trapper Keeper, but a little visual interest never hurt anyone, right? Well just in case it could, we have compiled our recommendations (both basic and special) for the ultimate interviewing piece:

  • In the words of Katie 1: totally forgettable and cheap. And she ain't kidding at a cool $13.39.
  • Katie 2 is lusting after this gorgeous palm green find of Katie 1. If you're more interested in utilitarian but are willing to pay the same hefty price, this grey zip works, too.
  • This Tiffany blue envelope isn't priced much better, and it doesn't have designated spaces for your writing implement, paper, and documents, but is definitely eye-catching. 
  • If you love the look of an envelope but can't stand the lack of organization, Amazon offers the perfect solution for less than an Andrew Jackson. And it comes in black or cream.
  • If you need to carry everything but the kitchen sink, this sucker has a LOT of storage options.
  • So this one is a bit on the smaller side if you need/want to carry copies of your resume and such, but Katie 2 is a hometown girl and has to represent Shinola
  • Not finding one that strikes your fancy? Check out Etsy.
We have to be completely honest: finding recommendations online is difficult, as everyone calls this item something different. If you're not sold on any of our recommendations, we found success searching for "portfolio", "padfolio", "envelope", "writing pads" and "document case". Also, can we take a second to rant about how most of the professional options are actually found in the MENS SECTIONS ON WEBSITES???


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