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Workout Wednesday: November Project

When we first started talking about our Workout Wednesday series, we were a little hesitant about committing to a bi-weekly schedule. Would we have enough to say about working out to keep up the pace? We aren't fitness gurus, after all. We are real working women.

One of the ideas we had was to focus on free ways to workout, but when you live in a city like Chicago, the possibilities are endless- not all of our readers are so lucky. One of the first options we came across in our initial Google searches of free workouts was:

We decided to try it and post about it in November. Why? You can go to their website to get the whole story, but here's a summary: November Project is FREE, and started as a way to stay in shape during the cold winter months (that's why). The theory is that if you meet people and make a commitment, you're more likely to get out there and get active. The groups are found in cities across the globe (don't see one in your area yet? Don't worry- the website tells you how to start the movement in your city), and are welcome to those of all fitness levels. To join, just show up. It's that simple.

We decided to do just that this past Friday morning (at 6am no less. Don't ever question our dedication to bringing you fresh tips). Not only was it 6am on a Friday, but it was sub 40 degrees. When Katie 2 got there, it almost looked like she got punked (is punking still a thing?)- there was no one there! But she spotted a little group gathered. When she walked over, everyone was SUPER EXCITED to see a new face. And each one of them introduced themselves. And hugged me. And as more people joined, they walked over and hugged me too. And they all hugged each other. And they were all very happy and excited to be there. (WTF is this place?) I must have had a strange look on my face, because one of the (genuinely) friendly people standing by me laughed- "Yeah, we hug here. It's a thing. You'll get used to it."

The crowd grew to about 40-50 people. We gathered under The Bean where the group did a "Good Morning" chant, jumping around (not our thing). Then the actual workout started. Phase 1: 9 push-ups, 9 V-ups, 9 mountain climbers, run around The Bean; 8 push-ups, 8 V-ups, 8 mountain climbers, run around The Bean... you get the idea. When you get to 1, you keep running around The Bean until everyone is done.

We all grabbed our bags and moved from The Bean to Wrigley Square and gathered around the peristyle at the north end (the blue dot in the map below).

They told everyone to get a partner- and something amazing happened. NO ONE picked a partner that they showed up with, or that they were talking to earlier. Everyone walked around, searching for someone different. The next phase of workout was in 2 parts. One partner stayed at the peristyle and alternated- 30 second wall sits, 10 tricep dips on the fountain. The other partner would do 10 lunges (5 each leg), then big skip around the square to the south end. From there, run up the stairs to the area between Boeing Gallery North and AT&T Plaza. There, do 5 plank push ups (start in a plank, then drop to each elbow and back up). Get up and run back to Wrigley Square. Side shuffle down the east side of the square (half way, change directions and shuffle with the other leg), then find your partner and hand off. We did this for about 20 minutes. As we ran around the circle looking for our partner to hand off, everyone doing wall sits put their hands out to give high fives and cheer you on. Not in an obnoxious way, but in a very encouraging way. By the time we finished Phase 2, it was 6:45. Elizabeth and Katie 2 left, because it's a 15 minute walk to the gym to get ready, and we had to stop by the office to pick up a change of clothes. As we walked away, Phase 3 was starting. Everyone found a new partner, and it looked like they were doing the wheelbarrow down the grass in the square (right where it says 'Wrigley Square" on the map above).

Impressions? We are not huggy people. We are not morning people. But it was a good workout, and it involved moves that you could use on your own (which is why we shared in detail above). Everyone was warm (even though it was practically freezing), welcoming, and encouraging. Katie 2 says she would go again. Elizabeth would not- it's too far from home and too early in the morning to work well with her schedule. If she lived closer, it might be an option. She did want to let you all know that she thinks you shouldn't wear nice workout clothes because you will be on the concrete.

As you can see from Katie 2 and Elizabeth's analysis above, Katie 1 did not participate in the Friday morning workout because she wasn't feeling well.  However, that works out great for our readers because Chicago actually has a second November Project tribe that meets at a track/turf field just over a mile from her house on Wednesday mornings at 6:28 a.m. Logistically, this worked out well for her too because she didn't have to do the "stuff juggle" (she just grabbed her phone and her keys and was out the door) and she could shower and get ready at home.  Although she could only stay for 30 minutes of the workout because of work, she ended up working out for a full hour because she ran there (15 minutes) and home (15 minutes).

So... what did Katie 1's workout look like? Hell that's what, especially considering that she ran there and back. Her group utilized the turf field inside the track to run "bow ties". Bow ties you ask? Let her explain:

Our workout looked like this:
  • 5 minute warm up (yes I had to introduce myself while doing a squat jump). 
  • 5 minute "bow tie" run where we jogged the short end of the field and then sprinted diagonally across the field to the opposite corner. We then recovery jogged the other short end of the field and sprinted diagonally across the field to the original corner (thus completing the bow tie). 
  • 5 minute "bow tie" run replacing the recovery jog with side shuffles. Sprints remain the same. 
  • 5 minute "bow tie" run replacing the side shuffles with inch worms halfway across the short end of the field.  
  • 5 minute "bow tie" run replacing the inch worms with broad jumps. 
  • 5 minute "bow tie" run replacing the broad jumps with broad jump burpees. 
At that point, it was 7:00 so I had to leave to get home and be a functional adult, although as I was leaving the group was pairing off into groups of 3 in order to begin the next phase of the workout.  

Impressions? I'm already really sore (I don't think I stretched long enough afterwards) and couldn't manage to wear anything dressier than dressy legging to work but I'd totally go again. Yes, the group was very huggy, cheerful and happy to be outside in the cold before the sun was up. But you know what? It was nice, actually. I felt very welcome. I wish it started a little earlier because it does make for a hectic morning but that's okay. I'm actually planning on alternating Wednesday morning yoga with the November Project until my run club starts up again. 

So there you have it folks, our review of the November Project. If you try it out, let us know what you think. Know of any other good free workouts we should check out? Tell us about them in the comments. 

Happy Wednesday! 


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