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Because My Wardrobe Isn't Care-of: Where I Really Shop Part 2

I want to be Claire Underwood when I grow up. (Please note: this season her hair got super weird. I acknowledge that. Also, her necklines. WTF, Netflix.) She always looks polished and sophisticated. She wears her clothes like a suit of armor, ready to do battle.

Unfortunately, I am not Claire Underwood. I do not have that budget or that body. And even though I love the way she pulls of those neutrals, I do also love the Duchess of Cambridge and her willingness to throw a little color into our lives while still looking flawless (except that time she got off the plane and her skirt looked like crap).

So where do I go for the timeless pieces and the occasional pizzaz of color?
I'm sure a lot of you have heard of the site, and have maybe even taken a look. I'm telling you today to look again. Here's why:

  1. Remember when the J.Crew catalog would come in the mail and you would pour over it, loving every outfit, and wishing you could be that super effortless girl that was ready to take on the boardroom or the summer BBQ or Europe in the same outfit? Ladies, wish no longer- Boden has a catalog! While I've ordered from them countless times, for some reason I've never been subscribed to their catalog. Enter my sweet adorable colleague who came into the office one day and sheepishly told me she got a catalog in the mail and folded down the pages on the things she thought I would like. (For the record, she was right 98% of the time, but by the time I was done, almost every page was folded down.)
  2. The first pieces I bought from Boden a few years back look just as good today as they did when I got them. No pilling, no stretching, no fading. And I wear them. A lot.
  3. Whether your style is Claire Underwood or the Duchess of Cambridge, or maybe a little more fun and casual, Boden has something for you. Need something for the office? Check. Date night? Oh yeah. Heading off on summer holiday? Got you covered. Need a dreaded bathing suit? Boden to the rescue!
  4. Their customer service is extraordinary. Last summer I ordered a dress on sale and I couldn't wait to get it! When I got home, I found the UPS man had dropped off my box of goodies right into a muddy pile. Of the three dresses I ordered, two of them were perfectly preserved in their plastic bags; the third was a dripping brown mess. I called Boden to reorder, fully expecting to have to file a claim with UPS to cover the cost to repurchase. But no. Boden apologized profusely (even though I explained it completely wasn't their fault), and reshipped the dress to me. With two day shipping no less! When you consider that most of their clothes ship from across the pond, that is impressive.

There are some things you should know: most items do in fact ship from the UK. Their shipping costs are comparable to most US companies, but it does take a little longer to get here. Also, tracking info can be a little lacking at time. But the items always arrive when they say they will. 

The prices can be a bit high. Don't fret! Shop the sale section, and be patient and wait for an additional percentage off. If you're willing to shop out of season, you can snag some great pieces at great prices to hold onto until the weather turns. Because they have classic shapes, you don't have to worry about looking out of style when you can finally wear those pieces you ordered 3 months ago.

I'm always on the lookout for new brands to try, so drop us a note in the comments with places that you really shop. While you do that, I will just leave you with a few of the pieces that are in my shopping cart...


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