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The Little Dress That Could- The Old Navy Dress We Are All Obsessed With

Folks, today we are coming out with the big guns. Some bloggers may hold off and save the good stuff until they have more then three followers. Not us! We are going to give it everything we've got each and every day week time we feel like posting.

The very first thing all of you need in your real working girl wardrobe: the Old Navy t-shirt dress!  Yes, Old Navy. That place where you used to buy $3 flip flops in every color, and that beloved fleece vest (damn, we looked so good in middle school). The place you still buy shorts and jeans in your "I'm going to start working out and lose weight" phase before you just admit that it's not going to happen.

Yeah. That place sells the first thing we are going to tell you to buy. Take a look

So why do you, the REAL Working Girl, need this dress?
  1. Comfort
  2. Versatility
  3. Price (no $400 price tag here! Take THAT bitchy bloggers everywhere!)
  4. Packable
  5. Machine Washable
1, 3, and 5 are self-explanatory. 4 is too, but keep in mind "packable" doesn't just apply to vacations. It's easy to throw in a gym bag or your work bag for after-work activities, or if you're not going home in the evening and need something for the next day (wink wink).

Let's talk versatility. Yes- it is a casual t-shirt dress. You all know that you can pair it with sandals for weekend errands or with wedges for oh-so-important brunch. (I LOVE BRUNCH! Yes. I am a basic bitch. Get over it.) But how do you get away with it in a work environment? First, let us start by saying those of you who work in a formal professional environment (a la our old lives spent in law firms): sorry- this isn't for you except for casual Friday. See above though! (Comfort! Price! After work activities!!)

For those of you ladies who have business casual or slightly elevated work looks, this is completely workable for the office. Just last week, Katie 2 wore the salsa red (if the color name alone doesn't make you want to buy it, we shouldn't be friends) V-neck with a black ponte blazer with cream trim (Gap circa 2009, how I miss you).

Katie 1 has had her black crew neck since the fall (which is ancient by Old Navy standards) and has worn/paired it with a variety of different ensembles. Last week she wore hers with round toe metallic snake print shoes, a statement necklace, Spanx (yes Spanx, she likes smooth lines), and a black ponte single button blazer (Macy's circa 2012). In the winter she paired the dress with black tights, booties, and a grey cashmere duster cardigan. She also wore it to a casual rehearsal dinner with silver sandals.
(Seen here NOT with a black ponte blazer, but rather with a purple Kate Spade open-front jacket)

Elizabeth has the grey crew neck variety. She typically wears it with a long cardi, long-line necklace, statement earrings, and pointed toe pumps. A multi-colored scarf is also a favorite option with this dress. She tends to pair purples with the grey, and wears more cool toned make-up with this outfit. Off-duty: a jean jacket and Chucks, with either her red Gucci Disco bag or other cross-body is probably her preferred way to wear it.

And guys? This dress is TEN DOLLARS TODAY. Seriously. We couldn't have planned this any better if we tried. Pick it up now, wear it the rest of the year!

Anything you want us to talk about? Let us know!!!
*we reserve the right to ignore any stupid ideas.


  1. Ladies, thank you for recommending this dress. I copied Elizabeth and added a denim jacket and my red chucks to the black and white striped dress. It is so comfortable and very flattering. I actually had a lady ask me where i got it! Keep the fashion coming.


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