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What's In Your Desk?

To be honest, we don’t really remember how the idea for this post came about. It may have been over the drinks one afternoon instead of going for a run. Or maybe it was a random idea we thought about on the train on the way home. Or maybe it was because one of us needed something, and we just started asking our colleagues if they had what we needed. Either way, we thought it would be interesting to come up with a list of (non office supply) items that we have in our desks that we find important. And a few items you could share with your coworkers… and a few items we have that you probably don’t need…
  • After lunch, you can always find a person or two in the restroom with their toothbrush and toothpaste. We are not those people. Maybe we should be? I don’t know, but I never find my breath after lunch all that offensive. Instead, we keep a pack of gum. It serves dual purposes: 1) it freshens breath; and 2) it helps with acid reflux (What? We’re old now and you can only eat so many Tums.) Because the Katies sit next to each other, we share a pack and just take turns buying. But maybe we should get some dental floss…  Actually…. Katie 1 has a toothbrush and toothpaste in her desk.  Sometimes she can’t remember if she brushed her teeth before work (usually on morning gym days, 5:00 a.m. wake-ups are brutal) and likes to brush just in case.  Elizabeth has a toothbrush and toothpaste for emergency purposes only…basically something stuck in a molar.  She also has floss for days she eats something with seeds.  She doesn’t want to follow-up her everything bagel with gum. But brushing every single day at lunch just doesn't seem necessary to us...
  • Basic toiletries: Come on. Katie 2 cannot be the only one who sometimes forgets to put on deodorant in the morning. Not all the time, but is has happened more than once. Katie 2 has also forgotten to put on eyeliner, and was kindly reminded by a chorus of “are you ok? You look really tired”. So put some basics in a small cosmetics bag just in case.  There are a lot of things that could fall in this category (including the aforementioned tooth brush)…hand cream, hair brush, feminine products, nail polish remover.  The office is where you spend the majority of your time, so things are bound to come up.
  • Nude pantyhose. We cannot tell you how many times we’ve been sitting at our desk, looked down, and saw a huge run down the leg. Throw in a pair of nude stockings just in case. Just be sure to replace them once you pull them out and use them. There is little worse than reaching for your emergency back-up pair only to find out you used them last week. (Secret- Check places like Costco online. You can sometimes find a 6pack for super cheap!!! Note: they don’t have any right now.)  We agree bare legs are fine  in warm months. You only need back-ups in the winter when you’ll freeze without something on your legs.
  • A reasonable snack. Sometimes we get a little hungry, and no one likes a hangry colleague. For evenings when you don’t go straight home and have some sort of after work activity, you may want a little snack to take the edge off and hold off hunger. Pick something that works for you, but protein and granola bars work well.
  • Socks, because you never know when you will forget to pack some for your workout after work, or when your foot will get wet because of the snow/monsoon outside. No one likes wet socks.
Items You Should Share With Your Coworkers. These are things that not everyone needs, but it is nice to make sure they're around when you need them
  • Gift wrapping materials: You would be amazed at how often people forget to buy a gift they need. A roll of neutral wrapping paper and some tissue paper on hand in an out-of-the-way closet will get used far more often than you would ever expect.
  • Crock Pot: If you work in a social office (or group) like we do, an office crock pot comes in handy. We’ve used it for a mac & cheese contest, the floor-wide Christmas party, baked beans, and we’ve lent it out to others for a hot dog party and who knows what else. A quick purchase from Target gets stored in a drawer and it’s there whenever we need it.
  • We all have accidents- a lost button, a fallen hem. A basic sewing kit is something small that is easily shared with those around you.
  • Most office first aid kits suck. Why are there never any Band-Aids?? So with those closest to you, split up the basics and be sure they’re all covered. Maybe some Neosporin, Band-Aids, saline cleaner and basic meds.  Between the two of them, the Katies have a pharmacy in their desks.  Elizabeth also keeps a small arsenal of common OTC drugs including Tums, Advil, and cough drops
Weird Items We Have That You Probably Don't Need
  • Coarse ground black pepper because (apparently) a pepper grinder at your desk is weird and the little packets have no flavor.
  • Magnifying glass: “I actually use mine a lot. Especially for older documents or statements where the numbers aren’t clear.” We don’t (all) buy it.
  • Desktop Humidifier: OK, Katie 1 has this at her desk and both she and Katie 2 think it is awesome. You would be amazed what a little humidifier can do to make things feel better especially if the heat in your office makes the air dryer than the Sahara. We realize that it’s probably weird, but we still highly recommend.
  • If you’re going out after work, or maybe if you just have crazy curly and sometimes unruly hair, a travel flat iron at your desk for quick touch-ups cannot be ignored. Don’t judge.


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