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Making the Most of a Day Off

It’s pretty great working for a bank. For one, banker’s hours. Another? Vacation time. We have never worked jobs with more vacation time per year than banks offer. Third: federal holidays. In addition to our generous vacation benefits, bank employees get to take off the occasional odd day throughout the year (January, February, May, July, September, October, November) in addition to traditional holidays.

There are all kinds of people and therefore plenty of different ways to take advantage of a day off of work. Maybe you're the type to take a little  vacation. Maybe you're the type who wants to sleep in and watch the Price is Right in your pajamas like when you were a kid. Or maybe you're the person who gets up at the same time as you would if you were going to work and you run a million errands and put the rest of us to shame. But if you're like us and don't have glamorous plans to go out of town (or you're not dying of the plague like Katie 1 and Elizabeth were over MLK weekend), you have high expectations and end up doing absolutely nothing with your day. 

Well, we’re grownups now (sometimes) and we want to make sure to get the most out of our days off. How you ask?
  1. Schedule something in the morning. Not first thing, but something around 11:00 works well. That way you can sleep in but you will be forced to get out of bed, shower, put real clothes on, and get out the door. Make it something you need to get done: doctor’s appointment or hair cut work well.
  2. Treat yourself to something special, whether that is a manicure, facial, or a coffee and sweet treat. Or maybe try a new workout. We know, we know. That doesn’t really sound all that special or appealing. But you never know. Maybe that spin class you’ve been dying to try but can’t get into because everyone goes after work has a spot open at 11:00. And just maybe you will end up finding your new sweat routine! (Note: This could count as your “schedule something in the morning” item. Kill two birds with one stone. Look at you being all productive on your day off!!! We are very impressed.)
  3. Do some running around, but keep it light. An errand or two, like the bank and the grocery store. Or maybe hit up a store that you normally avoid because it’s too busy to go to on the weekends (a la Costco or Ikea).
  4. Have a To Do list. The important thing to remember is to be realistic about what you can and will accomplish. You want the list to help you stay focused and also be a reward at the end of the day when you see how much you have crossed off. Make sure the list is a mixture of things to do out of the house and in, because...
  5. Return home. You have spent some time out of the house, now spend some time in the house. I suggest you tackle a mid-sized project that makes a big visual impact. This is not the time to clean a hidden closet. Straighten up the living room, take down the Christmas tree. Whatever you do, make sure it’s something that you will notice is done right away.
  6. Since you’re home, sit down and relax! Read a book, or clear your DVR. Take some time to do something that you wouldn’t have time to do on a normal week day. Just make sure it’s relaxing.
If you follow our tips, you can make the most of your day off- you will get time to relax, time to be productive, and have a little special time. Because you deserve it. 


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