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Workout Wednesday: Workouts in the Rain

The weather is (finally) changing for the better. If you need some advice on dressing for the mercurial temperatures, go back and take a look at our post on winter workouts because Katie 1 did a great breakdown of what layers you should be wearing.

Today we want to talk about rain. After many months of indoor workouts, we are finally ready to feel the wind in our hair and the sun on our faces. But it seems that every time we schedule an outdoor run, the skies open up and and drop a bucket of rain on our heads. Katie 2 is preparing for an April race, so outdoor runs are a necessity at this point. But how can you make it bearable to be outside? Here are some of our tips:
  1. Stay away from cotton. Period. But especially when it comes to your feet. Wet feet make everything miserable, but wet socks will make your feet miserable long after the workout ends (hello blisters!). We recommend these UnderArmour no show socks that are 97% polyester and 3% elastane. They are Katie 2's go-to workout sock. (She likes the all black with the multi-colored logo on the top. Apparently she's weird in that she will only wear matching logos on each foot (green with green, pink with pink). If that's wrong, she doesn't want to be right. Katie 1 agrees that the proper socks are non-negotiable when it comes to rainy runs. Her go to? These Lululemon speed socks. She also wants to add that sometimes the proper socks simply aren't enough because they're just too much moisture in the air. It's days like that where she coats her feet in a layer of Body Glide before putting on her socks. 
  2. A running jacket is controversial. When Katie 2 wears one, she feels like a wrestler wrapped in plastic to trap in heat and drop weight (which is why she never wears one even in the winter). But the #1 way to stay dry is of course to wear a waterproof top layer. Not sure if you can commit to wearing a coat and feel like you're running in the jungle? Don't spend a lot and try this rain jacket from the greatest store ever (where you can buy wedding flowers, a year's supply of multivitamins, and a hot dog/drink combo for just $1.50!!). We recommend you buy the blue. If you run at dusk or later, the black could be dangerous. If you're willing to take a risk and spend a bit more, try the Waite Windbreaker from Tracksmith. We've never tried the brand ourselves, but the description does a great job of acknowledging our own concerns with running jackets (a fully water-proof jacket may keep you dry but is heavy and doesn't breath, "making you feel like you're running in a sauna" or jackets that are lighter "don't stretch and stick to your skin if it gets wet, performing no better than a garbage bag"). Sounds good, right? Tracksmith is an independent brand that caters to "non-professional yet competitive runners dedicated to the pursuit of personal excellence". We may have to break down and try this coat, and a few other things from  the retailer. If we do, we will be sure to write and let you know our thoughts. Katie 1 actually has a waterproof, reflective, running raincoat that's both waterproof and breathable. She bought it at a pre-race expo and has no idea what brand it is but has been pleased. 
  3. Still not into a coat? No worries- try a hat. It can keep the water off your face and head, which for some reason makes you feel dryer even if your entire body is soaked. Another great thing about a hat is double-duty: wear it in the sun to keep you a little bit cooler. Katie 1 is a big fan of the running hat. She has this one from Target and actually really likes it. It's lightweight, washable, and sort of waterproof. 
When we asked Elizabeth her recommendations for running in the rain, her response was "don't do it!" We fully respect that opinion and if you're on Team Elizabeth, hit up the gym on rainy days (or use some of our winter workout tips). But take some of our advice today and try an outdoor workout- you may find, like Katie 2, that for some reason the rain makes you push just a little bit harder. 


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