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Workout Wednesday: Running With Your Dog

As Real Working Girls, we're sure we're not alone in our quest to consolidate activities in order to give ourselves that extra minute to ourselves. Among those Real Working Girls with pets, we're also sure that we're not alone in the fact that, more often than we'd like to admit, quality time with our four legged friends often gets pushed aside because life gets in the way. It's not something we're proud of but that's life. Which brings us to the point of this post: how to combine activities and make up for being a crappy pet parent. So let's discuss running with your dog. (DISCLAIMER - we were supposed to publish this post for last week's Workout Wednesday but that didn't happen so it's a bonus post for this week.) 

Katie 1 may have mentioned this before, but she's the proud mama to 2 dogs and a fat cat. Her older dog is essentially a 70lb rug (senior dogs FTW); however, her younger dog is a much different story. While the older dog has never been one for exercise (Katie 1 used to try to run with her. It never went well.), her younger dog has a lot of energy. The younger dog was adopted while both Katie 1 and her husband were working full time and, to be honest, it was quite the adjustment in terms of the exercise and attention he required. Thus, Katie 1 started running with her little guy in an attempt to get him the exercise he needed. He loved it and his excitement of the prospect of going for a run is a continued source of motivation for Katie 1, so win - win.

Katie 1 will admit that she is in no way an expert on running with her dog, but she and her little guy have found a routine and gear that works for them so she's going to do her best to share that with all of you.

Let's discuss gear first because the right gear is so important for both your dog's and your comfort and safety. Katie 1's doggo running essentials are listed below:

  • Running tights/crops/shorts with PLENTY OF POCKETS (or at least a pocket big enough to carry a roll of dog bags because you're not an asshole and you pick up after your dog). 
  • Running leash. Katie 1 admits that she initially was not on team you need a running leash but then she started having back problems because running with her dog on a regular leash changed her gait in a really uncomfortable way. Someone recommended this Tuff Mutt running leash from Amazon which she purchased and has been pleased. 
  • A good running harness. Katie 1's doggo does much better with a harness and she's been pleased with this one from Target. 
  • Armband for her phone because running with your dog means you need to be as hands free as possible. 
  • Musher's Secret. Katie 1 runs with her doggo year round so protecting his sweet little footsies is always a concern. Since he refuses to wear booties, Katie 1 makes sure the pads of his feet are protected with a nice layer of Musher's Secret
  • Collapsible dog bowl for summer months. Just like with humans, proper hydration is important for your dog too. Katie 1 puts one of these collapsible fabric dog bowls in her pocket during warm summer runs with her pup. 
As stated above, Katie 1 is by no means an expert on running with dogs but she has learned some things and can offer the following tips:
  • Safety first. Know your dog and know his/her limits. If you think it's too hot or cold for them to run, leave them at home. If you have questions, be sure to discuss them with your vet. 
  • Start slow, just like you had to work to build up your mileage so does your little buddy. 
  • Do you research. Runners' World has an entire section dedicated to running with your dog that's full of good advice. 
So there you have it, our tips on running with your 4 legged friends. 


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