To be honest, we don’t really remember how the idea for this post came about. It may have been over the drinks one afternoon instead of going for a run. Or maybe it was a random idea we thought about on the train on the way home. Or maybe it was because one of us needed something, and we just started asking our colleagues if they had what we needed. Either way, we thought it would be interesting to come up with a list of (non office supply) items that we have in our desks that we find important. And a few items you could share with your coworkers… and a few items we have that you probably don’t need… After lunch, you can always find a person or two in the restroom with their toothbrush and toothpaste. We are not those people. Maybe we should be? I don’t know, but I never find my breath after lunch all that offensive. Instead, we keep a pack of gum. It serves dual purposes: 1) it freshens breath; and 2) it helps with acid reflux (What? We’re old now and you can only eat so many Tums.)...
A blog written by Working Girls for Working Girls.